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Art & Media Requirements


Illustrator CC (Layered ai, eps or pdf)
Photoshop CC (Layered psd or tif)
CorelDRAW X7

A Note About File Types: Vector files are drawings that are created in Illustrator or CorelDRAW that contain NO placed photographic images from PhotoShop. Vector files can be scaled to any size without loss of image quality. Raster files are photographic images generated from Photoshop or CorelPAINT (JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIF, EPS & PDF) that are pixel dependent and can only be enalrged so much before losing image quality. Please keep in mind that just because a file may be an EPS or PDF generated out of Photoshop does NOT mean that these are now vector files.

We prefer art supplied in Native Formats for the above listed programs in CMYK mode. Photoshop images (raster images) need to be supplied at full output size at 150 ppi (pixels per inch) for screenprinted or digitally printed jobs. Artboards for Illustrator and CorelDRAW files should be built to desired output size. Please include all support files including placed or linked images and fonts. Fonts can be converted to outlines or curves, but will they will no longer be editable. Please allow for .25” bleed (.125” on all 4 sides).